Getting start with Jasper Report with JasperSoft Studio Tutorial

In this Jasper report tutorial, we are going to introduce how to create a new jasper report template and generate the same report in multiple formats with JasperSoft Studio.

The output of the final Jasper report (Hellow World Jasper Report)

Output of the getting start with Jasper Report with JasperSoft Studio

Let's start learning Jasper Report with JasperSoft Studio.

Create a new Jasper report project

Right-click on the Project Explorer palette and go to New > Project or click on File > New > Project.

Create a new Jasper report project

Select the JasperReports project and click on Next.

Create a new Jasper report project

Type a name for the JasperReports project and click on Finish.

Create a new Jasper report project

We have created our first Jasper Report project.

Create a new Jasper report project

Let's create our first Jasper Report.

Create a new Jasper report

Right-click on the Project go to New > Jasper Report.

Create a new Jasper report

Create a new Jasper report

You can find lots of sample templates to start a Jasper report. I will start with a Blank A4.

Create a new Jasper report

I am going to name my report template to sample.jrxml

Create a new Jasper report

For this tutorial, we are not going to use a data source so I will select "One Empty Record-Empty rows as a Data Adaptor"

Create a new Jasper report

Click Next and Finish. We have created our first jasper report template.

Create a new Jasper report

Hellow World Jasper Report

Drag and drop the Static Text element under the Basik Elements from the Pallette.

Create a new Jasper report

You can modify the Properties of the Static Text (Font Size, Font style etc) field from the Properties Palette. If you cannot find it on the screen, right-click on the report template and click on the Properties.

Create a new Jasper report

Double click on the Static Text to edit the text that you want to display.

Create a new Jasper report

To preview the generated report click on the Preview tab which was at the bottom of the template design.

Create a new Jasper report

Finally, we have able to preview our first jasper report template.

Output of the getting start with Jasper Report with JasperSoft Studio

Export Jasper Report into different formats(PDF, Excel, CSV etc.)

Click on the export format selection. Default it will be displayed as Java. You can find the list of available formats from there.

Export Jasper report as a PDF

Your PDF will be open with your default PDF viewer application.

Export Jasper report as a PDF

For more information, check out our video.

Thank you for checking out our tutorial. Hope you will enjoy this tutorial and learn a lot from this.