BIRT crosstab apply color to alternate rows of a crosstab tutorial

In our previous article, we have discussed how to use the BIRT crosstab element. In this article, we are going to discuss how to apply a color to alternate rows of a BIRT crosstab report.

The output of the BIRT Crosstab report after coloring alternate rows

Output of the coloring alternate rows of a BIRT Report crosstab

We are going to start this exercise with the BIRT report crosstab design file that we create in our previous article.

Output of the coloring alternate rows of a BIRT Report crosstab initial design

Go to the Outline palette and click on the crosstab element that we already created.

Selecting BIRT crosstab element

Click on the Script tab.

Go to BIRT Report crosstab element script editor

We are going to change the color of each column by writing custom logic. The script will decide the color of each row.

BIRT Report crosstab element script editor

We can write 3 different types of scripts for manipulating BIRT reports, depending on the different stages of the report generation.

  • onPrepare
  • onCreate
  • onRender

You can create global variables, write scripts to manipulate report data, and the global variables each stage.

For this example, we are going to create a global variable and increment the variable when creating each row of the BIRT crosstab. Then row by row, we are going to change the color of the BIRT crosstab.

Click on onPrepare option as bellow.

BIRT Report crosstab onPrepare script

Here we are going to create a global variable. This variable will be created and initialized while preparing the BIRT report.

    //click on the cross tab in design file
    //click the Script tab and select the onPrepare on Script selection

    //this function use to initialize a global variable to hold the row number
    function onPrepareCrosstab(crosstab, reportContext) {

    	//create a global variable rowNumber with initial value 0
    	reportContext.setGlobalVariable("rowNumber", 0);
BIRT Report crosstab onPrepare script

How to find BIRT crosstab cell id or element id ?

Click on the cell that you wish and go to the General section under Properties palette. Then you will be able to find element id from there.

BIRT Report crosstab finding element id

Next, we are going to create another script for process the records during generating the rows of the BIRT crosstab report.

Click on the onCreate option.

BIRT Report crosstab element onCreate script

In this example, we are not going to change the student name column colors. Here we are going to retrieve the global variable and check whether the row id is equal to the required group.

After that we are going to increment the global variable for each non student name group rows.

Then we are going to change the color for each odd row.

    //click on the cross tab in design file
    //click the Script tab and select the onCreate on Script selection
    //this function is use to set the color of the row if odd
    function onCreateCell(cellInst, reportContext) {
    	//get the global variable rowNumber
    	var rowNumber = reportContext.getGlobalVariable("rowNumber");
    	//this is the row that displays the student name(group row)
    	//here we reset the rowNumber counting
    	if(cellInst.getCellID() == 20){

    	if(cellInst.getCellID() != 20){
    		//check for the odd row
    		if((rowNumber%2) > 0 ){
    			//set color for odd row

    	//again update the rowNumber global variable
    	reportContext.setGlobalVariable("rowNumber", rowNumber);
BIRT Report crosstab element onCreate script

We are almost finished with this example. Click on the preview button to preview our final result.

BIRT Report crosstab preview the report

The final preview of the report.

BIRT Report crosstab preview the report

You can download the BIRT report design file from here.

For more information, check out our video.

Thank you for checking out this tutorial. Hope you will enjoy this tutorial and learn a lot from this.